How to Lead a Charmed Life

Saturday, November 26, 2005


I will begin by making introductions. I have three children who are unashamedly the center of my existence, but trust me some days I'd trade them all in for 10 minutes of peace on earth. I want this blog to showcase the uniqueness of each of my children and to capture snapshot moments that get too quickly forgotten. My oldest child has taught me, more than anything, how quickly they grow and how those moments that at the time you think will last forever in your memory can sometimes get displaced. I am trying to make sure that doesn't happen anymore. I don't want to lose another good memory, or another sad memory. I want to look back and hold on to them and cherish them, just as I cherish my children because all too soon they aren't babies anymore and you look back and wonder what happened to the days, weeks, and months, that became years. I want a record of our journey and our personal growth as well as the growth of our family. I want this to be a keepsake to pass on to them one day. Something they have to share with each other, something I have to share with me.

My oldest is a girl, 11 going on teenage drama queen. She is the disco diva with 10,000 shoes and a fashionista in training. Don't look at me, I live in my PJs and Birkenstocks.

My son is 6 and a smoothe operator. He will either be a the president or a super hero when he grows up. He waffles between the two unsure of which one is the coolest. Although he is learning about the White House in school and thinks it would be cool to have a bald eagle for a pet...we talk on our half mile walks to and from school.

My youngest was a big surprise, but she has been a very welcome addition. She is days away from being fifteen months old as I write this, 4 days to be exact. She is by far the most opionated of our children--she must get that from her daddy because mommy is a paragon of virtuous patience--ahem. At any rate with her big brother to save the world and her big sister to decorate it she's off to a great start!

And I'm just the mom, the backdrop to the beautiful show that is my children! Nice to meet you and I hope you come back!

Posted by Andrea :: 3:29 PM :: 0 Comments:

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