How to Lead a Charmed Life

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Snow globe scenery

This morning I was sewing in my sun room. The baby was in her playpen watching the Wiggles which are a morning favorite. She suddenly began cooing what sounded like 'Look!' so I did and noticed that she was pointing out the window. When I looked out the window I felt as though I were inside a snowglobe. It was such a beautiful sight to watch the snow flakes falling. I can't really find the words to describe how lovely it was and it was a moment that she and I shared. I put down my sewing and sat in the rocking chair with her watching the snow till nap time. I am so fortunate to be able to share moments like these with her. I think sometimes what it would be like to work outside the home and realize how blessed I am that I don't have to. At least not at the moment. That may change but for now I am enjoying watching her grow and sharing these special times.

Posted by Andrea :: 4:10 PM :: 0 Comments:

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