Saturday, December 03, 2005
How about them Colts?
Being from Indiana I have to say it. For years they have had a good team but never managed to make it into the bobblehead league. Perhaps this year they will do it. I've watched for years as team after team show up in Christmas ornaments and bobblehead dolls not to mention the collector pieces out there. Manning has been on many commercials but alas no bobblehead. Mabye this year will change all that. See, I am no longer the only one that knows how good they are as a team. The rest of the league can no longer deny. One, two, three games...even 5 in a row can be a streak of good luck. Every week it becomes more an issue of skill than luck.
Anyway, I'm hoping I haven't ruined the phenomonal streak they are having this year by posting my well wishes but I'm looking forward to superbowl rings this year. Go Colts! That's all I have to say about that.
Posted by Andrea ::
1:27 PM ::
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Friday, December 02, 2005
Baby's 1st Snow
Well she isn't exactly a baby anymore. And it has snowed, but this is the first time she's actually been out in it. It was an interesting experience to say the least. Of course, still being a toddler, the first thing she did was scoop up a great big handfull and try to eat it. This is immediately followed by much spitting and her holding her very cold and wet hand up to mommy to 'fix'. Her daddy and I are probably mroe amused than anyone else by this story, but it's one we'll share for years to come.
It was also December 1st, so we decided to try another first with her and have her photo taken with Santa. Let me tell you first that she will chase 7 foot tall rats around a park or a 7 foot dinosaur, or Wags the dog. She will have nothing whatsoever to do with Old St. Nick. To say it was a dismal failure would be an understatement. In the only photo we were able to get she was wailing her little head off. Our sweet little angel took on demented tortured features that you may find in a sci fi film but never expect to see on Santa's lap. I finally relented, I could not stand by and watch my baby be so tortured I picked her up and accepted that we were not going to have a good Santa photo this year. She held onto me as though I were the very breathe of life. Until I put her down. And then she would have nothing to do with me. Yes, I saved her from the jolly man in the red suit, but I was the one to put her there in the first page. I was now the enemy. At least until lunch time. Then all was right with the world. She was home, she was fed, and it was time for a nap.
Posted by Andrea ::
7:07 AM ::
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
The Quest for the Perfect Praline
I'm on a quest for the perfect praline. I don't like them too gooey, I would like them to remind me of the kind you can find in all the shops on Decatur in New Orleans. You know where they sell the candy and coffee with chicory. I'm feeling a little nostalgic for the big easy this Christmas. I hope that someone can help me find a great recipe that is not too difficult and makes perfect pralines. At any rate I'll be perfectly willing to share what I find. I may even share my martha washington candy recipe. I'm really into the christmas cooking; fudge, martha washington candy, buckeyes, cookies, and this year I'm adding pralines. My family and our friends are going to love us this year. Take it easy, have a great day and please feel free to drop by with your favorite Christmas recipes. I love to hear all about it!
Posted by Andrea ::
9:11 PM ::
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Monday, November 28, 2005
Family Traditions
Last year was our youngest daughters first Christmas. In celebration we got one of the Party Lite Snow globes with the year on it. We thought of it as a very special gift that would bring her joy in the years to come as well as be something that she could one day pass on to her daughter. I was so excited about showing her her snowglobe as we unpacked more and more Christmas decorations. I was thrilled at the prospect and so certain that she would be as fascinated with this little globe of snow as she was with all the other Christmas glitz.
I was wrong. I know that in a couple of years she will be as fascinated with the snowglobe as her big brother is and in even a few more year return to the disinterest until one day she unpacks her snowglobe for her baby girl who will be just as completely UNfascinated with it as she is now.
Just remember that while the simple things are good, they do not compete with blinking lights and music. Except for the empty boxes on Christmas morning. There is just no competition for them!
Posted by Andrea ::
9:34 PM ::
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Turkey talk
After the recent holidays from school, the additional 5 pounds added after eating turkey and all the trimmings for the last 4 days. The mom's angry at daddy(the other turkey) walk to school this morning nearly killed my legs. The pain started just as we were reaching the school, which is only my halfway point. I then had to walk all the way back to the house. My legs were in serious burn by the time I got home. I really feel sorry for my little one. He must have been running to keep up. No wonder he was so quiet. Or it could have been the flames shooting out of my head--a direct result of the big turkey. Maybe next year I will skip the holidays alltogether. I've had enough turkey though, that's for sure. If anyone mentions turkey for Christmas I think I will without a doubt cry.
Posted by Andrea ::
8:29 AM ::
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
Baby's First Haircut
Mommy and Daddy just couldn't seem to agree. I think that in order for her hair to grow it needs to be trimmed. She's 15 months old. It was definitely time. Daddy on the other hand thinks that it's a crime to at any point in life cut a girls hair (a constant bone of contention between the two of us I might add since I'm not overly fond of my hair being long). However, he told me to go ahead and get it cut if I thought she needed it.
It would seem that he was being sarcastic, I find this out of course, after I have taken her to get her hair cut. Really it wasn't even worth the argument. It was just short of a 1/8 inch trim to her bangs and a couple of extra long strands in the back. Her curls bounced back and you could see her eyes. More importantly without the hair she could use her eyes to see.
She completely enjoyed the hair cut. It was a place that catered specifically to children. They allowed the children (brother had his hair cut too) to chose which movie they would watch and each one got a television and stylist completely to themselves. Not to mention the really neat seats. Baby was in a tractor seat complete with steering wheel and brother got a race car. For older children they have offerings such as video game systems and choices of games. All the movies and the games were kid appropriate. Hair cuts for kids have come a long way in the last few years. It would seem that they were quite successful in their little niche however. And I didn't even mind paying slightly more than I would pay for a hair cut because of the perfect atmosphere for baby's first haircut.
Posted by Andrea ::
5:02 PM ::
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The Battle of The No-No's
We buy brightly colored toys that make music and have blinking lights for our little ones to play with. We even encourage them in this endeavor. Then we go and put up brightly colored toys that make music and have blinking lights for Christmas. And we tell our little ones No-No whenever they try to touch them.
In our house we have a three strikes rule. If Mom or Dad has to say No-No three times for the same offense it's instant time in baby jail...the Pen! The Play Pen that is. And afterwards, most of the time anyway, she comes out a completely rehabilitated perfect little angel. At least for five minutes or so.
Well, the Christmas decorations proved to be far too great of a temptation. After two trips up the river, she was released. My heart fell as she headed straight for the offending decoration immediately upon release. This time was different however. She looked at the Santa sitting there so temptingly, then back at me. She pointed at Santa and said "No-no-no-no-no" and moved on to her little box of toys we keep in the family room.
I was so proud. I often wonder if the things I try are really effective. This to me proved that while I hate punishing her, the lessons are being learned. I am on my way to raising responsible children. I work hard at it and second guess myself constantly. It's reassuring to see the effects of my labor in action.
Posted by Andrea ::
10:53 AM ::
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