Saturday, December 10, 2005
Did we ever get snow?
Yes indeed we did. In fact we got almost 8 inches of perfect powder. It was truly beautiful, still is. Of course the perfection of it has been marred by the footprints of our 6 year old who just had to play in it. In fact I had to deal with my first bout of (almost) frostbite. He stayed out and played in it for almost 3 hours. We had his hands and head perfectly covered and thought his feet were fine in his brand new snowboots. It seems that his pinky toe got a little too cool for comfort and mommy did a bad thing. My first though being from the south and not really knowing any better was to run him a luke warm bath. Well as soon as his foot hit the water the screaming began. You would have thought I was killing him. Lesson learned for me, it's time to do a LOT more research on dealing with the cold before I let him go out and play in it again. Baby is sick, miserable sick, so I was stuck inside with her while everyone else was playing outside. And she was watching miserably wondering why she couldn't go out and play in the white stuff too. Anyway, I'm sure there will be many more snows before winter winds down, especially considering we have a few more days before winter officially begins.
I'm off to do more Christmas preparations, working on a few home made goodies. Take care everyone!
Posted by Andrea ::
9:46 AM ::
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