How to Lead a Charmed Life

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Did we ever get snow?

Yes indeed we did. In fact we got almost 8 inches of perfect powder. It was truly beautiful, still is. Of course the perfection of it has been marred by the footprints of our 6 year old who just had to play in it. In fact I had to deal with my first bout of (almost) frostbite. He stayed out and played in it for almost 3 hours. We had his hands and head perfectly covered and thought his feet were fine in his brand new snowboots. It seems that his pinky toe got a little too cool for comfort and mommy did a bad thing. My first though being from the south and not really knowing any better was to run him a luke warm bath. Well as soon as his foot hit the water the screaming began. You would have thought I was killing him. Lesson learned for me, it's time to do a LOT more research on dealing with the cold before I let him go out and play in it again. Baby is sick, miserable sick, so I was stuck inside with her while everyone else was playing outside. And she was watching miserably wondering why she couldn't go out and play in the white stuff too. Anyway, I'm sure there will be many more snows before winter winds down, especially considering we have a few more days before winter officially begins.

I'm off to do more Christmas preparations, working on a few home made goodies. Take care everyone!

Posted by Andrea :: 9:46 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Why is country music so depressing?

I am serious, I wonder how many accidents are caused each year by someone randomly switching to a country station and suddenly, desparately seeking a box of tissue? It's amazing. It's really bad when I'm driving through unfamiliar territory where I have to search for stations and I will hit one and for some unknown reason I'm compelled to listen to this song about a child trying to buy shoes for his dieing mom, then I'm pulling off to the side of the road blubbering like an idiot and searching for the tissues which are always underneath the drivers seat for some unknown reason, guess that's where I inevetably toss them when I am finished. At any rate this song is touted as a Christmas song and I'm sorry it's the most depressing piece of Christmas music I've ever heard.

I've always believed and still do that music has a profound effect on a persons psyche. I know for me it can enhance a good mood or create a false anger or joy in me by listening to the right combination of music. At the same time it can trigger bouts of minor depression if I'm listening to the wrong music, or the wrong music at the wrong time. It's sad with all the ratings on music for content, violence and such, should we put warning labels for depression? I honestly wonder how many people that are diagnosed clincally depressed listen to country music on a regular basis? It's really something to think about at any rate.

I'm off to prepare for a Christmas party where I hope this song doesn't get played. BTW my pick for the holidays is Trans-Siberian Orchestra. If you haven't heard them you really should. They are perfect for some of us 'old timers' a good combination of symphonic rock along with Christmas music. I completely enjoy their music and if you can get to one of their shows you really should. It's so much better in person.

Posted by Andrea :: 9:33 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Thursday, December 08, 2005

The snow is here in force!

This being my first winter out of the deep south I have been not so patiently awaiting the first "REAL" snow of the year. It has arrived at last. The snow has been steadily falling for a few hours now and has made our back yard look very much like a winter wonderland. I'm hoping I'll have some photos available soon. At any rate it is simply stunning to see the landscape with a blanket of white covering it. I'm almost tempted (if I didn't know for certain that I'm not possibly prepared to drive in this to drive in this) to drive around town looking at the Christmas lights as they reflect on the snow, it would be a pretty picture indeed. But alas my southern...errr...hind end knows it can't drive in this stuff so I will sit in my sun room and stare out the window watching the snow fall all around. Maybe, since I'm not driving anyway, I should make a batch of egg nog. Well perhaps tomorrow will bring a good report and photos of Frosty!

Posted by Andrea :: 4:59 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I'm a tad under the weather tonight

And we are predicted to receive a half foot of snow tomorrow or so, so I'm going to be brief in preparation for what will probably amount to a somewhat hectic day tomorrow. I just wanted to stop in because if I break the habit then it's broken. It's better for me if I remain disciplined and write every day whether or not I really feel like it or not. I'm trying to be more disciplined so that perhaps I can instill this value in my children. It's always been somewhat of a weakness for me so I am certain I will have good days and bad days. I'm actually quite proud of myself tonight though. I have answered my email, written in my blog, and cleaned the kitchen. Now I'm off to finish the laundry and dose up on Nyquil (my miracle drug of choice). Ta Ta!

Posted by Andrea :: 8:51 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

My Children make me Young

They make me young because I have to pretend I am young in order to keep up with them. They, in so many ways are my heros. My oldest is going in today to possibly have braces put on. It's hard to believe that my baby girl is old enough to have braces and yet the evidence is right there. She is at a very difficult age. At least difficult for me to deal with. She isn't exactly a child anymore for the most part and yet she is. She's not quite a teen but lives in a world that pushes children to look and act like little adults. It's sad to watch. I am sad for the missed youth. For the time that is not spent climbing trees and hanging out in playhouses. I'm sad that she will miss out on some of the very things that have had such a profound effect on me as an adult because she is too busy trying to act like a grown up. She's forgotten how to have fun. So I will use her little brother and sister as well as me, to try to remind her that even if she thinks she has to look cool and grown up around her friends, it really is okay to be a kid and act silly sometimes. It's okay to play hop scotch and to dress barbie a thousand different ways, it's okay to paint with your fingers and walk barefoot in the rain. It really is okay to wear your PJs till noon on Saturday and on very rare special occassions it is perfectly acceptable to eat ice cream straight from the carton.

If I can pass any message on to my children, I hope it is that you are never too old to be young.

Posted by Andrea :: 9:20 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Monday, December 05, 2005

Being Charmed

One of the most important thing to remember in leading a charmed life is to make time for yourself. Indulge in something. If it's a forty-five minute bubble bath, an occassional godiva chocolate, or a guilty pleasure trash novel. Do something for yourself at least once a week. Don't steal those moments from yourself. You need them to recharge and refresh and in all honesty so you don't lose the real you among all the you's you have to be.

We women, moms in particular, often are so overburdened with responsibilities and expectations that we forget that if the batteries aren't charged nothing happens. The vehicle doesn't operate. And so much gets missed in these circumstances. Not just from the point of view that things get forgotten, but they aren't enjoyed as they are intended to be. It's hard to enjoy a play, if you have twenty other things on your plate and you're spending each act of the play going over your mental list.

Take this time. Not only is it important for you, but for those around you. If you have to, pencil it in...ME TIME in big letters and circled in red. If your family has issues remind them that it will help their time be so much more. If they love you, they will work very hard to enhance your "ME TIME" and make, even sometimes reminding you. It may take a few weeks of reminding them that they have to wait till you are finished with your "ME TIME" before presenting any dead goldfish, lost socks, or forgotten science projects. Just think how better able to handle them you will be after recharging your batteries!

Posted by Andrea :: 8:36 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Colts do it again!

I don't know about anyone else but I'm a true believer. I believe that the Colts are an awesome force to be reckoned with this season. I'm so proud to be here to support the team and cheer them on. I'm looking forward to many more victories. I can't wait for the playoffs this year. Even if this streak doesn't continue there's no denying that they have been on top of their game so far this season. Even my six year old thinks it's important enough to learn the names of the players and the numbers. He really enjoys cheering them on to victory with the grownups.

Posted by Andrea :: 9:28 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Our little Ice Show

Last night was our first winter storm. It wasn't the light snows we've been having recently. It was the deadly kind. Black ice, ice everywhere, in fact I wrenched my back going out to the car with baby, bags, and complete overload as usual. I didn't fall, thankfully; but I am still in pain. The ice is everywhere it's been here all day and remains as night drones on. I had forgotten during the time that I was away (the last 5 years) how pretty the ice was. It's deceptively beauitiful, like walking into a crystal garden. Even the pine tree was lovely (and I have no great affinity for pine) but each of the needles was outlined in ice. It was quite lovely today.

I still prefer the snow but watching the icicles form everywhere and watching our little pond freeze over, well there is always something magical about it to me. That's all I have for today. I hope your winter is as full of magic as mine is turning out to be.

Posted by Andrea :: 8:47 PM :: 0 Comments:

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